A Review of 2020 Park Stockdale improvements
PSCA president
The Park Stockdale Board of Directors voted to increase homeowners’ dues from $18 a month to $21 a month effective back on Jan. 1, 2020. The board was considering raising dues again in 2021 but then the Covid pandemic hit with its resulting economic devastation. The directors deferred any more increases until the economy improves.
Here is a list of some of the bigger items that the dues increase helped fund.
–Trimmed all park trees of dangerous branches. Some trees had broken limbs just waiting to fall.
–Repaired and repainted the exterior of all buildings, including the wrought iron fencing. The exterior had not been painted for at least 15 years.
–Ground down level all concrete in the pool area (tripping hazard).
–Puttied and repainted cracks and lines on all four tennis courts.
–Created the ParkCourse designed for children.
–Replaced the newsletter with our new website, parkstockdale.org, to save money and go paperless.
–Reseeded and fertilized the lawn.
–Repaired the roof and a bathroom wall after a leak caused water damage.
–Replaced a broken pool skimmer.
–Planted replacement seedless liquid amber and raywood ash trees.
–Added office security screen door.
There is still much to do, according to the 2019 reserve study commissioned by the board.
–Replace the Harrington Park sign.
–Repair or replace the two park barbecues.
–Update the playground equipment.
–Replace the roof.
–Install rooftop solar to save energy expenses.
–Repave the parking lot.
–Resurface the tennis courts.
–Refurbish the hall.
–Replenish the reserve account.
Newsletter goes online
The Park Stockdale Civic Association has joined the 21st century, or at least the 20th century, by unveiling its own home page: parkstockdale.org.
This home page replaces the newsletter, which is being discontinued with the final August 2020 issue.
The move from print to digital will allow us to get information out quicker and without space limitations and will save an estimated $3,500 annually in printing and postage, according to PSCA President Jim Carnal.
Pre-painting carpentry work
Carpenter Paco Ortiz of Kern General Construction replaces decayed wood on main building Sept. 2. He also rebuilt the lifeguard shed and pump shed roof and patched the water damage on the park pavilion roof.
Pool tile work completed
Bruce Deifel of Deifel Tile replaces pool tiles that were loose or that had fallen off and re-grouted the entire pool above the tiles Sept. 1-2.
Welcome to the new Park Stockdale Website!!!
Beginning September 2020, Park Stockdale Civic Association will be developing this website to distribute information to the community as a replacement for the monthly newsletter. This will allow information to be distributed in a more efficient and timely manner. Please let us know if you have any suggestions regarding its development. Looking forward to hearing from you soon: parkstockdale@bak.rr.com. Thank you.