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  • Game room renovation

    Game room renovation







    Priscilla and Evelyn are renovating the game room for their Girl Scouts silver award project.

    The girls from Troop 8121, under the direction of troop leaders Lidia Torres and Ashley Luna, and with help from family and friends, painted the room, restained the counters and cabinets, and replaced the light bulbs with LEDs Saturday. Next weekend, they plan to deep clean the carpet.

    But they need help with their vision to modernize the room from its 1960s origin.

    They are requesting donations from the community. Their wish list includes:



    -Decorative wall paintings and pictures

    -Coffee machine

    -Board games

    -Window curtains

    -Trash cans

    -Mini refrigerator

    – storage cabinets

    -air purifier

    -ceiling fan.

    To make a donation, call Lidia Torres at (626) 675-6493.