Archives by date

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  • Hall and kitchen renovated

    Hall and kitchen renovated














































    The hall and kitchen got a makeover during the holidays: new LED ceiling lights and new blinds in the hall and new paint in both rooms.


  • Christmas homes 2022

    Christmas homes 2022

    5609 Kleinpell Avenue


    6105 Friant Drive














    5904 Cochran Drive





    5908 Hesketh Drive






    400 Gabriel Drive







                                  109 Carr Street

    6013 Friant Drive








    109 Angell Street








    104 Haggin Street








    6000 Preston Court











    400 Carr Street

    Park Stockdale Civic Association directors and their representatives scoured the neighborhood to determine 11 top decorated Christmas homes. This is a subjective list so if your home is not included, we still thank you for displaying your holiday spirit.

    Homes in arrears on dues were not considered for judging.

    Directors delivered a coupon for a dozen donuts from Foster’s Donuts to each winner.

    Homes are listed in no particular order.



  • Board elections

    Board elections

    Five members of the Park Stockdale Civic Association board of directors are up for re-election in February: Tom Bell, Roxanne Fackler, Barbara Kamena, Dennis Shea and Susan Tuttle. Mr. Shea announced that he does not plan to seek re-election.
    Any Park Stockdale homeowner interested in serving a two-year term on the 11-member board should contact a board member or the office: 205 Rio Bravo Drive; (661) 323-4302; The deadline to appear on the ballot is by the end of the board meeting on Jan. 9.

  • Deck the hall with Christmas joy

    Deck the hall with Christmas joy

    Sixty residents and guests enjoyed a community Christmas event in the hall Saturday night.

    Festivities began at 5 p.m. when Mr. and Mrs. Claus, riding a motorcycle, led a short procession of vehicles decorated in the Christmas spirit through all four quadrants of the neighborhood as neighbors came out to holiday cheer them on.

    After the parade, residents signed in with board member Susan Tuttle in the rec room, got a raffle ticket for a drawing for prizes, left an unwrapped toy for the Salvation Army to distribute to needy children, and took a photo with the Clauses.

    Then residents gathered in the hall to watch “Home Alone” while enjoying pizza from BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse plus popcorn and hot chocolate served up by board members Roxanne Fackler, Ana Flores and Kiki Contreras.
