Sign-ups for Park Stockdale T-ball will be held from 9 a.m. till noon Saturday, Feb. 25, in the hall, 205 Rio Bravo Drive.
Sign-ups are limited to the first 6o children.
T-ball is for children age 4-8; 4 before Jan. 1, 2024; kindergarten, first and second grade.
There will be four 15-player teams.
Games and practices will be held from 5:45-6:45 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, April 2 through May 23.
Cost is $48 for Park Stockdale residents; $50for non-Park Stockdale residents.
This is an introductory league: runs and outs do not count. Parents are encouraged to participate.
For more information, call director Tom Bell at 322-2801.