Pre-painting carpentry work
Carpenter Paco Ortiz of Kern General Construction replaces decayed wood on main building Sept. 2. He also rebuilt the lifeguard shed and pump shed roof and patched the water damage on the park pavilion roof.
Pool tile work completed
Bruce Deifel of
Deifel Tile replaces pool tiles that were loose or that had fallen off and re-grouted the entire pool above the tiles Sept. 1-2.
Welcome to the new Park Stockdale Website!!!
Beginning September 2020, Park Stockdale Civic Association will be developing this website to distribute information to the community as a replacement for the monthly newsletter. This will allow information to be distributed in a more efficient and timely manner. Please let us know if you have any suggestions regarding its development. Looking forward to hearing from you soon: parkstockdale@bak.rr.com. Thank you.