Christmas home winners

Children’s winner. 400 Gabriel Drive







Creative winner. 6013 Friant Drive

Electronic winner. 5908 Hesketh Drive

Nativity winner. 109 Angell Street






















Traditional winner. 5609 Kleinpell Avenue








205 Gabriel Drive

6413 Hesketh Drive














611 Hewlett Street

501 Plato Court

6000 Preston Court

800 Hewlett Street




























Judge Becky Powers congratulates the Children’s category winner

Judge Roxanne Fackler congratulates the Nativity category winners

Judge Roxanne Fackler congratulates a winner

Judge Becky Powers congratulates a winner



























Thank you so much for all who took the time to decorate their homes. It’s a beautiful tour around the neighborhood.

The home with music that plays in coordination with the lights is 5908 Hesketh Drive. Turn your radio to 99.9 FM.

The home with a beautiful nativity set is 6000 Preston Court.

The number of inflatable decorations has increased,  delighting the children.

These are some of the best homes in the neighborhood as judged by a panel of adult and children residents. Board Vice-President Roxanne Fackler spearheaded the project. Winners each won gift certificates for a dozen Foster’s donuts.

Winners were chosen in five categories: children, creative, electronic, nativity, and traditional. An additional six homes were chosen on merit.

Park Stockdale certainly has the Christmas spirit.